Monday 30 September 2013

It's kind of about me... ;)

Hey! I'm Allyson, I graduated from Riverview High School in July of 2012. I took a year off school to work and save some money. I haven't been any wheres fancy... But I have been some places that I absolutely love! 

My most recent trip was to Toronto Ontario for a family vacation, we did A LOT of interesting things, we did the Toronto zoo, to see the GIANT pandas, Niagra Falls, the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum)  and the CN tower. We also went to a Toronto Blue Jays baseball game (for any of you who know me that was my favorite thing of the whole trip!)

I have been quite a few places in the USA, my mom and i do A LOT of shopping trips, whether it be alone on a bus trip , alone in the car or with friends. On these adventures , I have been to North Conway, New Hampshire (home of the white mountains), Bar Harbour, Bangor, Portland, Kittery, Augusta and Freeport, Maine. (Every time we do a shopping trip we are always over the duty free ); ... ) I love to travel!
I have been to Boston Massachusetts, to the green monster, ( I was just little but it still counts) I'm far from fussy when it comes to traveling! If there is place for adventure I'm there!

THE BIG APPLE - New York City, I was in New York December 2011, It was the most memorable experience in my life (no there was no baseball game but still my favorite trip by far) It was my Christmas present from my mom. There is not alot of shopping or anything to be done its all full priced stores. However there were the street vendors under the Brooklyn bridge where you would buy all the "knock offs." However there is a 9 floor Macy's Department store (: ! 

A little closer to home, I have been to all 3 Maritimes, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick (obviously). Halifax is my summer home away from home. I could live there all summer and never run out of things to do. My family and I go camping for my birthday every year in P.E.I. ( my birthday is in September, so BRR). I love camping doesn't matter what the temperature is.But all in all I absolutely love staying close to home, but if I had the choice I'd be gone! If I had the choice I would move to St. Andrews in a heart beat! A quiet little town on the coast of the Atlantic ocean. A beautiful place to go whale watching kayaking. There are little boutique shops, a pizza place a few little restaurants and even a TIM HORTONS!

 I'm taking this course because i would like to make my dream come true by being a bartender on a cruise ship for a five or six years, I will give in five or six years just to see if its for me , and if not i will come home go back to school to be a massage therapist, then head back out on a ship. I eventually hope to become a manager of a bar/ restaurant and/or hotel. There is SO much you can do in the travel and hospitality field , there are too many to narrow it down to one or two.

I'm doing this blog so one day in the future I can look back on the "little" steps in travel I have done on my life and hope to compare the "major" ones. Hopefully one day I will be able to expand my horizons on the travel and hospitality industry! :)

"The traveler sees what he sees. The tourist sees what he has come to see." - G.K Chesterton